Arriva Trains Wales - train
operating company
for The Heart of Wales Line
The independent campaign
for a better passenger and freight rail network
The Association of Community
Rail Partnerships
A comprehensive guide to
this beautiful railway line,
featuring over 230
pages and 35 interactive maps created using Flash.
Trafnidiaeth Canolbarth Cymru
or TraCC is the transport consortium for the Mid-Wales region.
The consortium is made up of the three Mid-Wales local authorities of:
· Cyngor
Sir Ceredigion County Council
· Cyngor Gwynedd Council
· Cyngor Sir Powys County Council
For the latest information
on Network Rail
who maintain, improve and upgrade the railway infrastructure.
Good Railway resources -
some good links
National Rail Enquiries provides
the same up-to-the-minute advice on
journey planning and train service updates as our telephone service.
It uses the same data systems as the telephone service and is updated
at the same time with latest changes and disruption information.
Action Stations is a childrens'
charity that helps children in India, who live on stations
If there is a link you would like adding please contact us!
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